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Reflecting the Sacred

Reflecting the Sacred: Sacred Doing

December 31, 2023

Isaiah 63: 7-9, Matthew 2: 13-23

Reflecting the Sacred Christmas Eve: Sacred Being Evening

December 24, 2023

We gather and sing and light candles and dare to believe that love truly enters the world time and again and anything is possible, even that this love is ours simply because we are beloved–the firstborn of God. Our very being reflects the sacred.

Reflecting the Sacred Christmas Eve: Sacred Being Morning

December 24, 2023

We gather and sing and light candles and dare to believe that love truly enters the world time and again and anything is possible, even that this love is ours simply because we are beloved–the firstborn of God. Our very being reflects the sacred.

Reflecting the Sacred Peace: Sacred Knowing

December 17, 2023

Isaiah 7: 10-16, Matthew 1: 18-25

Uncertainty is a fact of life–this seems ever more true, but we remember that there is a Christ within us constantly birthing wisdom and a deep knowing if we will but listen with a contemplative heart.

Reflecting the Sacred Joy: Sacred Space

December 10, 2023

Isaiah 35: 1-10, Luke 1: 46b-55

Mary’s womb becomes a sacred space for the gestation of grace that moves into, and is transforming, the world. We will ponder the spaces we inhabit at home, work, and community, asking whether they are feeding, nurturing, and reflecting the freedom and joy that is so desperately needed.

Reflecting the Scared. Love: Sacred People

December 3, 2023

Romans 15: 4-13 | Matthew 3: 1-12

When we look through the lens of the sacred, we prepare our senses to recognize the holy in all people–to come to know them in a “steadfast and encouraging” way.

Reflecting the Sacred Hope: Sacred Time

November 26, 2023

Romans 13: 11-14, Matthew 24: 36-44

Let us emphasize the gift of being awake to the “now”… the gift of sacred time with God, with each other, and with those in need of hope.

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