Port Orchard United Methodist Church
Worship and Music
Worshiping with everything we have
Audio Visual Team
Audio Visual team provides worship art and support by projecting lyrics, prayers, and instructions for worshippers. The sound board, camera operator, online host ensure worship for those who are in person and those who join us online have a quality experience.
Bell Choir
Bell Choir is re-forming. Ringers bless our music with notes by one, six, or more ringers, up to 4 octaves of bells or chimes.
Music Team
Music Team leads congregational singing, adds additional instrumentation, and often makes special, solo, and ensemble musical offerings
Vocal Choir
Vocal Choir provides anthems, usually in SATB format, in many genres both traditional and contemporary.
Worship Design Team
Worship Design Team and the pastor determine themes, and then design worship series that create meaningful multi-sensory worship experiences.
Worship servers
Worship could not happen without the support of ushers, flower arrangers, pew stuffers, communion table setters, and the doers of many other tasks as needed.